Have you ever stood at the top of a large rock and felt how big you were? How you climbed to the highest limb you could possibly reach? The sun's on your face and suddenly you feel like you're closer to it than if you were merely standing on solid ground. You spread your arms like wings and caress the wind as it floats past you; the light breeze becomes a cooling breathe of fresh air as you close your eyes. Breath in. Out.
There's a moment, a split second where I always imagine myself flying away. Perhaps that's why I love wings so much because in that moment I am a bird, free to fly anywhere I want, without worry of failed flight or attachment to anything. When I think about my faith I think it's just like that moment. Where you open your arms and let the wind power past your body as if you become part of it and the only thing holding you from whisping away is the confrontation of your feet touching the ground.
It's where you close your eyes and breath in and out; on the exhale feeling every threat leaving your body and into God's hands. In that moment it's a connection between my Father and I but He's not asking me to let go, I gladly do it on my own.
I know that when I am in a tough situation I can always count on this visualization to help me get through and often I find myself closing my eyes and breathing anyway. My faith is fearless because I know that at the top of that jagged rock or the tallest of trees...if my Father said "Now jump", I wouldn't hesitate.
Instead, I would soar.