What an amazing movie! And maybe I thought it was 'amazing' because of the position that I am in currently in my life because as I looked around the theatre as people arose from their seats I wondered if they had the same feelings as I did. You had the people who got up early, as soon as the first credit rolled because they didn't want to be bothered by the traffic of people exitting all at once. You had the younger woman who may not have really grasped the connection between real life and cinematic experience. You had the older generations, with their husbands, who may have gone simply because their wives asked them. And then there were the few who were moved by it, who wore regret on their face as they stood. Possibly regret for having the same opportunities but not taking them.
Either way I left thankful for my situation, thankful for the opportunity and the knowledge and the faith I carry with me. I left feeling enlightened and powerful and trusting, which is something I've desperately been wanting to feel connected to for a while. I left with inspirations to keep me going daily and is it crazy to say that a simple movie did that for me? Why would it be? Why shouldn't we find inspiration from every aspect of life around us? God created life right? And God created man right? Than can I not find my inspiration from the slightest of ideals?
I'll write more later, but for now just know that this is my moment. This is my time to go back, to find myself and when the time comes take the leap for love all over again, but with the control of knowing the balance between losing myself completely, or bending it slightly for love.